About the Red
Flowering Dogwood :
The Red Flowering Dogwood tree, Cornus
florida, 'Cherokee Chief', exhibits a moderate
growth rate. The new growth is red. Red
Flowering Dogwood trees have moderate resistance
to mildew. The blooms are a beautiful deep
lasting ruby red. Fall color is a bright
scarlet. Dogwoods have a variety of landscape
uses. With the year-round interest, dogwoods are
excellent for specimen or accent plantings
around the terrace or patio.
This deciduous trees is often used with a
combination of rhododendrons, azaleas and
dogwoods planted in a raised bed which creates
an interesting natural landscape feature.
Dogwoods make excellent understory trees in a
semi-shaded area and are also now being used in
conjunction with typical foundation plantings
and groundcovers in large beds around a